Brief History
Weigh On offers over 30 years of worldwide business experience, particularly in the shopping center/retail vending services industry.
Retail weight scale solutions were originally designed and offered to the public in the mid 1850’s,as they provided a valuable health tool to customers without access to such information. At Weigh On, some 150 years later, we are offering the very latest in weight & BMI (Body Mass Index) technology to customers through our range of Heath Check Stations, we trust this information forms part of your lifestyle approach.

- No cost installation
- Trial Periods Arranged
- % Income share (Metered for financial transparancy)
- Complete Service Package
- Regular Machine Inspections
- Cash Clearance
- Complete cleaning
- Service Recalibrations
- Regular machine rotations
- Annual Test & Tag
- Product/Public Liability Insurance Cover $20m pa
- Contractual Arrangements Prepared
- Professional Admiminstration including Accounts & Client
Relationship Meetings
Medical Health facts
- Maintaining a healthy weight is about keeping a balance in your life
- Your BMI (Body Mass Index) accurately indicates your total body fat
- The amount of fat you carry indicates your risk to a variety of diseases
- The more you weigh the more likely you are suffer from conditions such as:
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes
- Gallblader Disease
- Sleep Apnea
- And other certain Cancers
- A healthy weight has many benefits, most importantly it lowers your risk to
developing the above diseases - Monitoring your weight via our Health Check Stations assists with a healthy
lifestyle and wellness approach

Weigh On’s Health Check Stations offer
customers commercial accuracy of their weight
& BMI (Body Mass Index).
Our range of machines are:
- Fibreglass & steel framing
- Medical white in colour for a clean presentation
- Bespoke designs can be created
- Customised circuit boards for accuracy of data
- Micro coin SP coin mechanism
- Wifi Connectivity for machine monitoring
- Stainless steel weighing platform

There are two types of machine specifciations available:
We have a larger model available (pictured right).
Standard BMI – Weight Health Check Station
Height: 120cm x Depth: 65cm x Width: 40cm
We also have a compact model available:
Compact BMI – Weigh Health Check Station
Height: 115cm x Depth: 50cm x Width: 31.5cm

PO Box 36 Canterbury Vic 3126